TAA Goals for 2024 - 2025
Maintain KTOA as an irreplaceable and key asset for the aviation community and all of the south bay area
- Expand & publicize airport's resources for education, disaster response & recovery
- Promote existing modern technology for the airport and its users
- Prevent incompatible development in and around the airport
- Resist imposition of user fees, landing fees, and similar access restrictions
Develop an "airport constituency"
- Pilots, airplane owners, airport users, airport supporters
- Airport business owners & employees
- Other aviation-related business and supporters
Expand support for the airport within the surrounding communities
- Maintain & expand "Friends of Torrance Airport" program
- Support Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) education activities at the airport
Provide timely and accurate information to our members about airport safety & management
- Web page, e-mail blasts
- Bulletin board postings
- Participate in public meetings on airport issues