Top Matching Gift Companies

Below is a list of some companies with gift-matching programs. Click on the company name to go to their website. If your company is not listed here, contact them--many companies have similar programs that can add to your generosity.

Matching Gift Company Match Ratio Max Match Amount
General Electric 1:1 $25,000
Soros Fund Management Up to 3:1 $300,000
BP (British Petroleum) 1:1 $5,000
Gap Corporation 1:1 $10,000
State Street Corporation <1:1/td> $35,000
ExxonMobil Up to 3:1 $22,500
CarMax 1:1 $10,000
Johnson & Johnson Up to 2:1 $20,000
Boeing Up to 1:1 $6,000
Microsoft 1:1 $15,000